MugShot Monday ft. Kristin Stockfisch
Where do I start. She's full of joy. God placed her in my life at the perfect time. She is wise, fun, competitive, caring, adventurous, always looking to grow, and is a true leader. I am humbled and honored to call her my friend. She challenges me. She asks great questions. She listens and really hears what you have to say. She takes risks. Her love runs deep. Her heart is gold. She is a wonderful example to me. I miss having her near. I like to call her Kristina, or Kristani (haha), but most people know her as Kristin. Thanks for sharing your Monday with us, my friend :))
Your name: Kristin Stockfisch
Age: 29
Where do you live? Santa Barbara, California
If you could change your name, you’d change it to: Blake
How you found karlysuesmessydos:
Karly has been a friend and creative inspiration of mine for the last four years or so.
What do you look for in a coffee mug?
Has to have a good grip and if it’s attached to a memory that’s even better.
What is your fav thing about your karlysuesmessydos mug?
It’s personalized. It’s unique. It took time to be made. And now I will always think of the great girls weekend I spent with Karly when she brought it out to me in Santa Barbara.
What is your fav kind of coffee?
I am officially fired from this blog- but I don’t drink coffee. I have a tea obsession so the mug will be sipped with a ton of different tea combos in it.
Describe your ideal coffee shop.
Friendly, personable, helpful staff (it’s not as good of a coffee shop if the baristas are too cool to be nice) Outside seating, almond milk chai lattes, large tables, chocolate croissants, warm colors, clean décor, Josh Garrels playing live in the corner.
What's the soundtrack to your life? Hillsong+ Jack Johnson + NeedtoBreathe+ The Head and the Heart + Taylor Swift + Beatles + Tyrone Wells + Josh Garrels + The theme from Rudy
What makes you laugh/cry?
Laugh- more than anything else- when my 7th month old daughter laughs. Nothing is more contagious. Cry- breakthroughs (of mine or another’s), God’s love, feeling really stressed out and The theme from Rudy,
Three words that describe you:
Inquisitive, Excitable, Encouraging.
Celebrity crush: Clayton Kershaw (I’ve got a THING for baseball players- enter husband)
Favorite book: John in the Bible- but this changes almost daily.
One thing that surprises people about you:
How tall I am and that I’m naturally introverted.
Advice through a quote:
Think long and hard about what you would do with your life if money/location/experience didn’t matter and then (even if it’s just a little at first) make the necessary leaps and cuts to walk that life out.
Would you recommend a karlysuesmessydos koffee mug to others: YES LOVE IT.
Well Kristina, we won't fire you for not drinking coffee. You are actually expanding our audience to more than just coffee drinkers! Yes, people, karlysue's koffee mugs are very diverse and versatile. They can handle all your favorite teas, and even hot chocolate! Whoa. So much goodness :)
Have a great day, everyone.
xoxo, karlysue