Hat Hair minus the Hat Hair || part I ||
I like hats. Hats are fun. They can be stylish, and they can serve a lot of purposes. On top of that, how about this weather... it is...
MessyDo Monday ft. Carrie Stowell
Real-life people. Real-life stories. ...just tryin' to transform lives one messydo at a time. Thank you for sharing, Carrie!...
30 going on 13 || Bachelor Audition // Edition
A clip from my Bachelor audition video. (Watch in HD) I know what you are thinking. You’re thinking, (insert heart-eyes/smiley-face...
"the messy do" ...phase 2...014.
(you may want to sit down for this one) Ashton Kutcher sums it up kind of perfectly. If my heart could talk to my head, I'm pretty sure...